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Elite League

Elite Youth Basketball League

Elite League registration will begin soon!

  • Elite League Basketball is open to 3rd - 6th grade teams
  • An Elite League team must be registered offline as a whole.  Team registration price is $850 for in County teams, $1000 for out of County teams and must be paid in full at the time of registration.
  • Registration papers must be filled out for each player on the team.  A representative from each team must collect and turn the team packet in to an Athletic Coordinator before the close of registration.  Registration is open through 9/30/24.
  • Mandatory coach's certification training date is TBD.
  • Practices will begin the last week in October (tentative).
  • Games will begin following Thanksgiving Break (tentative).
Players will participate within their current grade level, Kindergarten through 8th grade based on the following age control dates:
3rd Grade = 9/1/2015 – 8/31/2016
4th Grade = 9/1/2014 – 8/31/2015
5th Grade = 9/1/2013 – 8/31/2014
6th Grade = 9/1/2012 – 8/31/2013

*Any player who has a late birthday and may have been held back a grade level will be reviewed by HCPL Athletics staff as to what grade level that child should participate in.

Below are the forms needed for each player:

Below are the forms needed for each coach: